Moral Education for Bright India
The most important asset of a nation are the citizens themselves. If the citizens are healthy, patriotic, honest, and sincere, the nation will progress at a much faster pace. For this reason, it is very essential to have moral education in schools and colleges. The educational institutes should not only provide technical education, but should also provide moral character building education. Education should help the students master their mind. If the students are bright, the future citizens and leaders of nation will automatically be effective, efficient and pure persons, bringing great happiness to mankind.
To impart moral education to students, there can be many ways – telling stories, preaching, group discussions, Yoga, and Meditation. To be an effective teaching, a combination of all methods can be used.
Out of these methods, Yoga and Meditation work at the root level of mind. They are not lifeless praching but bring about deeper changes, and hence can bring lasting positive transformation in personality and purity of the students.
A meditation technique, called Anapana Meditation, has been practiced by children above 8 years age, and has been observed to give great benefits here and now. Some benefits of Anapana Meditation in student life are:-
- Sharper memory
- Increased concentration
- Better decision making and Confidence
- Peaceful and happy mind
- Freedom from stress, fear, worry, anger
- Better performance in studies, sports, and work
- Better Health.
People above 18 years can do Vipassana Meditation, which is the next step after Anapana Meditation and brings still better benefits.
Also, the breathing exercises of Pranayaam have been practiced by a large number of children and adults, and all have benefited alike.
The various problems in India like corruption, poverty, superstitions etc., are inter-linked. Moral education helps in solving these problems at the root where they originate. All problems can be solved very easily if the citizens have mastered their mind, and are pure, equanimous, harmonious and sincere.
Children are by nature pure, sincere, and eager to learn. If the schools/colleges impart the moral character building values effectively, the purity of the students can be maintained and enhanced. Absorbing the moral values at an early and receptive age, will be very beneficial for the youth, and will in turn ensure that India has a shining future!
Author : Vikas Nagpal
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