Computer Science -> Abbreviations ->
Starting with Letter 'I'
Abbreviations (Starting with Letter 'I')
Sr. No. | Abbreviation | Full Form |
1 | I-Net | Intranet
2 | I/O | Input/Output
3 | I/O | Input/Output
4 | IA5 | International Alphabet Five
5 | IAB | Internet Activities Board
6 | IC | Integrated Circuit
7 | ICEM | Integrated Computer Engineering and Manufacturing
8 | ICMP | Internet Control Message Protocol
9 | ID | Identifier
10 | IDA | Indirect Data Addressing
11 | IDA | Intelligent Drive Array
12 | IDE | Integrated Drive Electronics
13 | IDEA | International Data Encryption Algorithm
14 | IDL | Interfacce Definition Language
15 | IDT | Interrupt Descriptor Table
16 | IEC | InterExchange Carrier
17 | IEEE | Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
18 | IETF | Internet Engineering Task Force
19 | IF | Interrupt Flag
20 | IFF | Interchange File Format
21 | IFIP | International Federation of Information Processing
22 | IFS | Interchange File Separator
23 | IFS | InterFrame Space
24 | IGES | Initial Graphics Exchange Specification
25 | IGMP | Internet Group Membership Protocol
26 | IGS | Interchange Group Separator
27 | II | Interactive Interface
28 | IISP | Interim Interswitch Signaling Protocol
29 | IKT | Informatione- und Kommunikationstechnik
30 | ILC | InterLanguage Communication