Computer Science -> Abbreviations ->
Starting with Letter 'A'
Abbreviations (Starting with Letter 'A')
Sr. No. | Abbreviation | Full Form |
61 | AR | Attention Routine
62 | ARP | Address Resolution Protocol
63 | ARPA | Advanced Research Projects Agency
64 | ARPANET | Advanced Research Projects Agency Network
65 | ARU | Audio Response Unit
66 | AS | Activity Start
67 | AS | Autonomous System
68 | ASC | Accredited Standards Committee
69 | ASCII | American Standard Code for Information Interchange
70 | ASE | Application Service Element
71 | ASIC | Application-Specific Integrated Circuit
72 | ASN | Abstract Syntax Notation
73 | ASN.1 | Abstract Syntax Notation One
74 | ASO | Application Service Object
75 | ASP | Active Server Pages
76 | ASR | Automatic Speech Recognition
77 | ASTs | Asynchronous System Traps
78 | AT | Advanced Technology
79 | ATM | Adobe Type Manager
80 | ATM | Asynchronous Transfer Mode
81 | ATM | Automatic Teller Machine
82 | ATMP | Ascend Tunnel Management Protocol
83 | ATSF | Alert Transport Service Facility
84 | AU | Access Unit
85 | AVR | Automatic Volume Recognition
86 | AWG | American Wire Gauge