Computer Science -> Abbreviations ->
Starting with Letter 'C'
Abbreviations (Starting with Letter 'C')
Sr. No. | Abbreviation | Full Form |
1 | CA | Collision Avoidance
2 | CA... | Computer Aided ...
3 | CAA | Computer Aided Architecture
4 | CAD | Computer Aided Design
5 | CADD | Computer Aided Design and Drafting
6 | CADIS | Computer Aided Design Interactive System
7 | CAE | Common Application Environment
8 | CAE | Computer Assisted Education, Computer Aided Engineering = CAD + CAP + CAQ
9 | CAH | Computer Aided Handling
10 | CAI | Computer Aided Instruction = CIM + CAO
11 | CAISE | Computer Aided Integrated Software Engineering
12 | CALS | Computer Aided Acquisition and Logistic Support
13 | CAM | Computer Aided Manufacturing / Content Adressable Memory
14 | CAMAC | Computer Automated MeAsurement Control
15 | CAN | Cancel
16 | CAO | Computer Aided Office
17 | CAP | Computer Aided Planning / Computer Aided Publishing
18 | CAPP | Computer Aided Production Planning
19 | CAPPC | Computer Aided Production Planning and Control
20 | CAPSC | Computer Aided Production Scheduling and Control
21 | CAQ | Computer Aided Quality Assurance
22 | CAR | Computer Aided Roboting
23 | CAR | Computer Assisted Radiology
24 | CAS | Computer Aided Selling
25 | CASE | Common Application Service Elements
26 | CASE | Computer Aided Software-Engineering
27 | CAT | Computer Aided Testing
28 | CATV | CAble TeleVision
29 | CBDS | Connectionless Broadband Data Service
30 | CBR | Constant Bit Rate