Computer Science -> Abbreviations ->
Starting with Letter 'G'
Abbreviations (Starting with Letter 'G')
Sr. No. | Abbreviation | Full Form |
1 | GAL | Global Address List
2 | GATF | Graphic Arts Technical Foundation
3 | GB | GigaByte (1,073,741,824 bytes)
4 | GCR | Group Coded Recording
5 | GDG | Generation Data Group
6 | GDS | Global Directory Service
7 | GDT | Global Descriptor Table
8 | GDTR | Global Descriptor Table Register
9 | GE | Graphic Escape
10 | GETVIS | GET VIrtual Storage
11 | GID | Group ID
12 | GIF | Graphics Interchange Format
13 | GIS | Generalized Information System
14 | GIX | Global Internet Exchange
15 | GKS | Graphical Kernel System
16 | GML | Generalized Markup Language
17 | GOSIP | Government OSI Profile
18 | GP | General Protection
19 | GPIB | General-Purpose Interface Bus
20 | GRS | Global Resource Serialization
21 | GS | Group Separator
22 | GTF | Generalized Trace Facility
23 | GUI | Graphical User Interface
24 | GUIP | Graphical User Interface for Blind people
25 | GUUG | German Unix User Group