Computer Science -> Abbreviations ->
Starting with Letter 'W'
Abbreviations (Starting with Letter 'W')
Sr. No. | Abbreviation | Full Form |
1 | W3 | World Wide Web
2 | W4WG | Windows for Workgroups
3 | WABI | Windows Application Binary Interface
4 | WAIS | Wide Area Information Service
5 | WAN | Wide Area Network
6 | WATM | Wireless ATM
7 | WATS | Wide Area Telecommunications Service
8 | WHAT | Wireless Hybrid Asynchronous Time-bounded
9 | WIMP | Windows, Icons, Mice and Pointers
10 | WINS | Windows Internet Name Service
11 | WMAC | Wireless Media Access Control
12 | WMF | Windows metafile
13 | WORM | Write Once, Read Many times
14 | WOSA | Windows Open Services/Systems Architecture
15 | WRED | Wrong Reading Emulsion Down
16 | WREU | Wrong Reading Emulsion Up
17 | WS | WorkStation
18 | WTO | Write To Operator
19 | WUS | Word Underscore
20 | WWW | World Wide Web
21 | WXTRN | Weak External Reference
22 | WYSIWYG | What You See Is What You Get